This photograph depicts the members of the class of 1891 of the International YMCA Training School, now Springfield College. The group portrait was taken in a professional studio setting. Notice how some of the men are pictured looking straight at the camera and some are looking at the sides. This fact is something that occurred commonly in pictures from the time. Portrayed in the picture are shown: [top row, L to R] E. A. Patrick, George D. MacDonald, George Williams, Charles H. Kingsbury (1892), W. J. Baker, William E. Ninde, Willard S. Richardson, C. S. Taylor, [2nd row] Arthur W. Lunbeck, Henry F. Kallenberg, Alfred T. Halsted (1890), George H. Winslow, Henry Medd, B. H. Hart, Frederick A. Kraft, Harry A. Baldwin, [3rd row] David W. Cor...