This photograph shows members of the 1965-1966 Cosmopolitan Club, the original name for Springfield College’s International Students Organization. It was first organized during the 1920-1921 academic year. Handwriting on the back identifies the members shown and the countries they represent as, left to right, [seated] Dr. Kidess (faculty advisor), Aurora P. Krairiksh (Thailand), M. Kabellah (Somalia), Vassilis Klissouras (Greece), Patrick W. Coggins, Savitri G. Chandrasena (Ceylon), Annette D. Clarke (Liberia), Mrs. Webler, [standing] Robert Duhu (Nigeria), Wahono Kartodihardjo (Indonesia), Molla Bekele (Ethiopia), Nwabuisi Iroaga (Nigeria), Augustino G. Basini (Wales), Lars Wahlstrom (Sweden), Harry J. Etukudo (Nigeria), William L. Kamanyi...