Tennis Players at Pratt Field

Springfield College


This lantern slide, “Tennis Players at Pratt Field,” shows roughly nine students of the International Y.M.C.A. College (now known as Springfield College) campus playing tennis on the courts at Pratt Field. Although the date of the slide is unknown, the image was likely taken between 1910 and 1916.Pratt Field was constructed in 1910 as a gift from Herbert L. Pratt. It originally consisted of a quarter mile track, 220 yard straightaway twenty-four feet wide, eleven runaways and pits for jumping and vaulting, seven tennis courts, a football field, and a baseball diamond. An eight-foot high reinforced concrete fence surrounded the field. The entrances were designed by Edward Lippincourt Tilton, who also designed Judd Gymnasia and the Marsh Memo...

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