Остеохондроз, профілактика, застосування лікувальної фізичної культури

  • Valetska, Ruslana
  • Petryk, Omelyan
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Publication date
December 2015
Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University


In the article it is analyzed the dependence of human health from spine conditions, preconditions of violations of spine function and reason of dystrophic processes in bone and cartilaginous tissues. Attention is paid to prophylaxis of osteochondrosis, spine treatment by means of curative gymnastics. It is noted that osteochondrosis, especially of cervical spine, is the most wide spread human illnesses. Different organism’s systems suffer from this illness, but the most vulnerable are metabolic disorders that occur in cervical and loin spine. It is listed some of the factors that may bring on spine osteochondrosis: insufficient level of daily mobility that reduces intensity of diffusion of supply of spine as there occur congested effec...

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