Vampires and Swashbucklers: Identity Theft in Paul Féval’s La Ville-vampire and Le Bossu

  • Holley, William B
Publication date
April 2018
Digital Commons@Georgia Southern


France’s revolution of 1789 marks a dramatic change in what it would mean to be a Frenchman. Under the rule of the Ancien Régime, the division of classes clearly delineated the rank and role of individuals as belonging either to the privileged nobility, the clergy, or the much larger tiers états. With the rise of the bourgeoisie, there is likewise a rise in the works that treat identity, often allowing it to have ephemeral traits. Identity becomes pliable and exchangeable. The romantics demonstrated the change in identity often with their heroes transcending class norms established which are still very prevalent within the classical movement. Victor Hugo’s theatrical works Hernani and Ruy Blas both showcase a protagonist who takes upon hims...

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