The new researches in optimisation of nutrient medium for cultivation of yeasts Saccharomyces cerevisiae is discussed in this abstract. Microdoses of a pancreatic RNA-ase préparation or RNA-ase of Bacillus intermedius stimulate the yeasts growth and improve their quality. Using geothermal water as the mineral sourse, ensures recovery of biomass with high biotechnological properties.Розглядаються нові розробки щодо поліпшення живильних середовищ для вирощування дріжджів Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Мікродоміціки препаратів панкреатичної РНКази або РНКази Bacillus intermedius (бінази) стимулюють ріст дріжджів та поліпшують їх якість. Використання геотермальної води, як джерела мінерального живлення, забезпечус отримання біомаси з високими біотех...
The ideological features of political correctness inmodern democratic society have been identified i...
Diphtheria is considered to be vaccine-preventable disease due to organized immunization programmes....
Treatment of persistent extension contractures of the knee joints is a rather difficult challenge. I...
The influence of carbon and structure on the m achinability of high-chromium cast irons has been stu...
The analysis of material of treatment 80 patients with heavy open traumas bottom extremities with da...
The structure and diffusion properties of combined ultra-fiber matrices containing microspheres for ...
The article deals with a biography of the prominent Volyninvestigator – Alexander Tsynkalovskyy who ...
The paper the data on the influence of an nutrient background and methods|heliochrome| of basic|main...
The entire community needs knowledge of "Church sciences" as none other are adequate to philosophica...
The question to what extent and on what basis Latin American Spanish (in terms of its vocabulary uni...
The results of hysteroscopic and morphological diagnosis of endometrial hyperplasia in women of repr...
The article describes prospects of hydrometallurgical processing methods of secondary raw material t...
Interstitial Cystitis (IC) or Painful Bladder Syndrome (PBS) is a heterogeneous disease which pathog...
The article presents results on phythopathology study of 58 varieties of Rosa × hybrida hort. in the...
Conducted investigation revealed very high level of genetic polymorphism of belarusian strains of P....
The ideological features of political correctness inmodern democratic society have been identified i...
Diphtheria is considered to be vaccine-preventable disease due to organized immunization programmes....
Treatment of persistent extension contractures of the knee joints is a rather difficult challenge. I...
The influence of carbon and structure on the m achinability of high-chromium cast irons has been stu...
The analysis of material of treatment 80 patients with heavy open traumas bottom extremities with da...
The structure and diffusion properties of combined ultra-fiber matrices containing microspheres for ...
The article deals with a biography of the prominent Volyninvestigator – Alexander Tsynkalovskyy who ...
The paper the data on the influence of an nutrient background and methods|heliochrome| of basic|main...
The entire community needs knowledge of "Church sciences" as none other are adequate to philosophica...
The question to what extent and on what basis Latin American Spanish (in terms of its vocabulary uni...
The results of hysteroscopic and morphological diagnosis of endometrial hyperplasia in women of repr...
The article describes prospects of hydrometallurgical processing methods of secondary raw material t...
Interstitial Cystitis (IC) or Painful Bladder Syndrome (PBS) is a heterogeneous disease which pathog...
The article presents results on phythopathology study of 58 varieties of Rosa × hybrida hort. in the...
Conducted investigation revealed very high level of genetic polymorphism of belarusian strains of P....
The ideological features of political correctness inmodern democratic society have been identified i...
Diphtheria is considered to be vaccine-preventable disease due to organized immunization programmes....
Treatment of persistent extension contractures of the knee joints is a rather difficult challenge. I...