FIRST ROW:Chuck Olmsted, Garry Strandemo, Wes Aldinger, Bob Cram, Don Perry, Gary Ellwein. SECONDROW:Dennis Sahli, Chuck Bauer, Dave Perry, John Hanson, Allen Elhardt, Jim Grueneich, Bill Beseler. THIRDROW:Gene Schuler, Wayne Benz, Tom Woodmansee, Bill Keller, Stan McNickle, Bob Uhde, Bob Nudell. The Lettermen's Club is composed of athletes who have earned letters in college sports. The main project of the year is that of raising money to purchase the traditional green blazers. Money was raised this year by sponsoring the Harlem Stars and selling advertising for athletic programs. Functioning during the football, basketball, and wrestling seasons, BJCcheerleaders are indispensable in boosting Mystic morale. The girls in green and white spar...