1948 Markota BJC - Page 7


Foreword IN THIS BOOK, published by the students of Bismarck Junior Colle~ e, we have sought to bring to the Bismarck Junior College students, alumni, and friends of the past, present. and future a complete and comprehensive view of our college life. We've tried to include a complete picture of this past year's leading attractions. So many people have had a part in the making of this book - the job would have been impossible without their help. Therefore, we thank each of you who has had a part in the growth of this book . . We couldn't include all the evel~ ts tha. t happened this year - we've only s~ lOwn glimpses of them. However, we will be justly rewarded for our hard work If the 1941 edition of the Markota, in any way, will make your ...

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