1946 Markota BJC - Page 54


The members of the 1946 class of Bismarck Junior College are grateful for the sacri fices that have made it possible for them to graduate in a peace- time America. First roe; Peggy Roherty, Doris Holt. Jayne Hall, Eileen Pfeifer, Esther Bender. See md rOIll: Glen Barth, Ann Wilkinson, Frances Newnan, Bob Moses. Third row: Dallas Henke, Hope Neugebauer, Donna Frost, Florence Newman, Arthur Thompson. Not pictured, Burt Corwin. Sophomores who enrolled too late to have their pictures included on pages 14- 16 are Esther Bender, Glen Barth, and Arthur Thompson. In concluding the 1946 Markota, we wish to thank the following people for their valuable service to this year book: John Quanrud, for his excellent pictures and photographic advice; Kathry...

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