~ atinnClI :! Sefense In this year of 1941. A. D.. when all over the United States preparations are going on for National De-fense. our own junior college did its part in building up our defenses to protect our country and our lib-erty. Pictured above are: 1. Dick Westphal-" Volunteering." 2. James Moses- Bidding goodbye to his parents before leaving for Fort Warren. Wyoming. 3. Tom Skodje-" Cheering the boys up with music." 4. Joe Gross-" Cherring the boys up with food." 5. " Fatty" Elofson- s- v. Iust cheering the boys up." 6. Camp Claiborne. Louisiana-" Just Getting Up." WELL .... The staff of the 1941Markota has done its best to give to the students of Bismarck junior college a yearbook which will be long cherished and remembered. Altho...