CHORUS Bismarck Juniar College Charus, with Mr. Raymond Heid as director, made several ap-pearances thi s year. The Chorus sang at the Missouri Valley Motors Preview of the 1955 De Soto, for the College Christmas assembly, the State Convention of Caunty Commissioners, the Lion's Club district convention, the state Painters and Interiar Decorator's Convention, the New Salem Lion's Hayloft Party, and for the Inaugural of North Dakota's Governor Brunsdale, as well as several pep assemblies. The Choral ensemble presented musical features for several social gatherings, and climaxed the season's activities with a concert tour af Narth Dakota. C. Rask, L. Johnson, G. Christiansan, C. Hagen, D. Swenson, P. Wyci skala, D. Roehrick, P. McCarty, J. Sc...