Recorded during a live performance at Oakland Recital Hall, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Michigan, June 8, 1976, program no. 271 of the Department of Music’s 1975-1976 season.Spring session Chamber Choir, Mel Ivey, conductor ; Sue Rogalla, piano ; assisted by the Spring session Chamber Orchestra (4th work).1st work a motet for 5-part chorus of mixed voices, a capella; 2nd work for vocal quartet of mixed solo voices; 3rd work originally for children's unison voices and piano.Include works sung in Latin (1st & 4th works), German (2nd work), and English (3rd work).Mirabile mysterium / Jacobus Gallus [i.e. Jacob Handl] -- Four part songs, op. 92. (4:39) Spätherbst ; (6:33) O Schöne Nacht / Johannes Brahms -- (10:07) Old Abram Brown [...