Modifiers of healthy aging: evaluating the effect of diet and physical inactivity on age-dependent dysfunction of the neurovascular system.

  • Chun, Yoona
Publication date
July 2016
The Mouseion at the JAXlibrary


The goal of this project was to construct Gene Ontology (GO) ‘slims,’ high level sets of terms to support data aggregation, to provide a new computational pipeline to better understand sets of genes that are dysfunctional in cancer, with a focus on immune system processes and developmental processes. We used functional annotation data in the Mouse Genomic Informatics (MGI) system for mouse, computationally selected the most informative terms, and consulted with biologists to confirm their relevance. The completed immune system process GO slim of 34 terms covered 1519 out of 1842 total GO immune terms that covered 5257 annotations (73% of annotations to immune system processes overall). Eighty-three excluded terms with direct annotations w...

Extracted data

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