最晚在新石器时代晚期,岭南越人就已经有了早期的航海活动。岭南越人对外海上交通之路的开辟可以追溯到西周时期,而到战国时期,岭南越人就开辟了我国东南沿海至东南亚各地乃至南太平洋岛屿的远洋航线,这就为汉代开辟以合浦沿岸港口为起点的海上丝绸之路打下了基础。 Yue people in areas south of the Five Ridges had their early marine activities by the late Neolithic period, while their opening of external marine traffic can be traced back to the Western Zhou Dynasty. In the Warring States period, the Yue people had already opened up marine routes from the southeastern coast of China to va- rious places of Southeast Asia, and even to South Pacific Ocean islands, which had laid the foundation for opening up the maritime Silk Road starting from Hepu' s coastal ports in the Han Dynasty.国家社科基金特别委托项目“西南边疆历史与现状综合研究项目《广西对外交通史》”的阶段性成果,项目批准号:A0902