Daichi no Ko (Child of the Earth) is the story of an orphan in China. Through this work, Yamasaki Toyoko discusses the fate of humanity and the tragedy of war, and also describes the life of a Chinese orphan. There are many newspaper reports of orphans in China, as well as works dealing with Daichi no Ko. However there are few works that discuss the antiwar ideology and awareness of peace of Yamasaki. Therefore, through an analysis of Daichi no Ko, this paper will explore Yamasaki\u27s antiwar ideology and awareness of peace, her reflections on suffering during the war and post-war periods, and analyzes her pursuit of peace
The influence which Japan gave to the literature in the Korean Peninsula in the formation process of...
The aim of this study is to express an opinion about "What is the essence of social welfare", and to...
The normalization of Japan\u27s political relationship with the People\u27s Republic of China in 197...
Oral activity of the old tale in the City of Tono came to attract attention in the 1970s. This activ...
Ishibashi Tanzan (石橋湛山, 1884-1973), who wrote articles for the Toyo Keizai Shimpo (東洋経済新報) and a fam...
In medieval Japan, the eight kenmitsu (exoteric-esoteric) Buddhism sects: the six sects of the South...
In this article I analysed the roles of the bakufu and the inhabitants of Edo in the process of maki...
Two countries separated only by ʻa narrow strip of waterʼ, China and Japan have a long history of fr...
Oda Takeo, known as the winner of the Akutagawa prize in 1936, wrote his experience in Shanghai in s...
There have been moves to deny the results of historical research surrounding the issue of the Battle...
This paper focused on former prime minister, Ishibashi Tanzan\u27s efforts towards normalisation of ...
Dayu is the emperor of China’s earliest dynasty, the Xia Dynasty. This paper explains the cultural b...
Tōyōkeizai Shimpōsha, the publisher of one of the prominent economic journals in Japan the Tōyōkeiza...
The Department of Archaeology at Hiroshima University has carried out archaeological surveys at Jōmo...
The influence which Japan gave to the literature in the Korean Peninsula in the formation process of...
The aim of this study is to express an opinion about "What is the essence of social welfare", and to...
The normalization of Japan\u27s political relationship with the People\u27s Republic of China in 197...
Oral activity of the old tale in the City of Tono came to attract attention in the 1970s. This activ...
Ishibashi Tanzan (石橋湛山, 1884-1973), who wrote articles for the Toyo Keizai Shimpo (東洋経済新報) and a fam...
In medieval Japan, the eight kenmitsu (exoteric-esoteric) Buddhism sects: the six sects of the South...
In this article I analysed the roles of the bakufu and the inhabitants of Edo in the process of maki...
Two countries separated only by ʻa narrow strip of waterʼ, China and Japan have a long history of fr...
Oda Takeo, known as the winner of the Akutagawa prize in 1936, wrote his experience in Shanghai in s...
There have been moves to deny the results of historical research surrounding the issue of the Battle...
This paper focused on former prime minister, Ishibashi Tanzan\u27s efforts towards normalisation of ...
Dayu is the emperor of China’s earliest dynasty, the Xia Dynasty. This paper explains the cultural b...
Tōyōkeizai Shimpōsha, the publisher of one of the prominent economic journals in Japan the Tōyōkeiza...
The Department of Archaeology at Hiroshima University has carried out archaeological surveys at Jōmo...
The influence which Japan gave to the literature in the Korean Peninsula in the formation process of...
The aim of this study is to express an opinion about "What is the essence of social welfare", and to...
The normalization of Japan\u27s political relationship with the People\u27s Republic of China in 197...