This paper studies the relationship between the differences and trust in Japanese society at both the macro and micro levels. The macro-level analysis examines the strong negative correlation between the Robin Hood Index and trust by dividing regions into prefectures,including major cities such as Tohoku,Kanto,Koshin,and Hokuriku for calculation. The micro-level analysis examines the simultaneous existence of a process in which disparity awareness directly lowers trust and another in which disparity awareness lowers overall confidence in systems,using national survey data analysis. The results show how differences destroy trust and also indicate that confidence in systems formsw the basis of interpersonal trust. 本稿では、日本社会における格差と信頼の関係について、マ...
This study investigated the long-term transition of community conflict caused by cat breeding, espec...
This study focuses on how community-based reconstruction can be achieved in the process of recovery ...
“Minami-ku University public program” was held on March 8, 2014. I lectured aboutthe relationship be...
The non-edible parts of fruits were found to have high antioxidant activities. Among them, mango see...
当センターの外来作業療法に通う自閉症スペクトラム(以下ASD)もしくは疑いと診断されている未就学児童8名を対象にMovement Assessment Battery for Children(以下M...
The purpose of this paper is to explore a little further into the future direction of social securit...
近年は幹細胞を用いた人工神経の研究が進んでいる.今回我々は臨床応用を念頭に置き,脂肪組織由来再生細胞 (adipose derived regenerative cells, ADRCs) を封入した...
研究成果の概要 (和文) : 社会,経済,環境を細分化した15領域を設定し,各領域に,他者へ配慮,多様なリスクの備え,主体の活力といった持続可能性に係る3つの規範を当てはめることで,地域の持続可能な発...
本稿では、「宗教の社会貢献」というテーマを取り上げ、地域における寺院の 活動に注目する。社会的要求に対する宗教界の新たな変化や取り組みが見られる中、「宗教の社会貢献」活動の内容をより具現化するため、そ...
Additional data of seiche spectra were obtained by insitu measurements for 43 places of southwest Ja...
糸, 織物や繊維強化複合材料などの繊維集合体はその曲面形成能,高強度,低曲げ剛性など独特の性能を持ち,被服材料をはじめ,建築,土木材料,機械要素等幅広い分野に用いられている繊維集合体の特有な特性一材料...
This study investigated the long-term transition of community conflict caused by cat breeding, espec...
This study focuses on how community-based reconstruction can be achieved in the process of recovery ...
“Minami-ku University public program” was held on March 8, 2014. I lectured aboutthe relationship be...
The non-edible parts of fruits were found to have high antioxidant activities. Among them, mango see...
当センターの外来作業療法に通う自閉症スペクトラム(以下ASD)もしくは疑いと診断されている未就学児童8名を対象にMovement Assessment Battery for Children(以下M...
The purpose of this paper is to explore a little further into the future direction of social securit...
近年は幹細胞を用いた人工神経の研究が進んでいる.今回我々は臨床応用を念頭に置き,脂肪組織由来再生細胞 (adipose derived regenerative cells, ADRCs) を封入した...
研究成果の概要 (和文) : 社会,経済,環境を細分化した15領域を設定し,各領域に,他者へ配慮,多様なリスクの備え,主体の活力といった持続可能性に係る3つの規範を当てはめることで,地域の持続可能な発...
本稿では、「宗教の社会貢献」というテーマを取り上げ、地域における寺院の 活動に注目する。社会的要求に対する宗教界の新たな変化や取り組みが見られる中、「宗教の社会貢献」活動の内容をより具現化するため、そ...
Additional data of seiche spectra were obtained by insitu measurements for 43 places of southwest Ja...
糸, 織物や繊維強化複合材料などの繊維集合体はその曲面形成能,高強度,低曲げ剛性など独特の性能を持ち,被服材料をはじめ,建築,土木材料,機械要素等幅広い分野に用いられている繊維集合体の特有な特性一材料...
This study investigated the long-term transition of community conflict caused by cat breeding, espec...
This study focuses on how community-based reconstruction can be achieved in the process of recovery ...
“Minami-ku University public program” was held on March 8, 2014. I lectured aboutthe relationship be...