ABSTRAKKurang pangan dan kurang gizi masih merupakan masalah serius yang dihadapi sebagian besar penduduk Indonesia, terutama penduduk miskin. Walaupun sudah terjadi perbaikan secara umum dalam ketersediaan pangan, pelayanan kesehatan dan sosial, kelaparan dan gizi kurang terjadi di semua kabupaten di Indonesia dalam berbagai bentuk. Saat ini separuh penduduk mengalami kurang besi dan 1/3 menderita kurang iodium. Kekurangan vitamin A diderita 10 juta anak. Berat bayi lahir redah (BBLR) masih berkisar antara 7-14%, bahkanmencapai 16% di beberapa Kabupaten. Tingginya BBLR umumnya terjadi karena ibu kurang gizi. Wanita usia 15-45 tahun menderita kurang energi kronis (BMI<18,5) sebesar 12-22 % dan 40% wanita hamil menderita anemia. Pada tahu...
Indonesia is a country with various nutritional problems and requires serious handling. This nutriti...
Malnutrition is an ecological problem in the sense influenced by various aspects, as explained in th...
This survey was conducted to estimate levels of health and nutrition problems as well as the associa...
Continuous and comprehensive efforts need to resolve malnutrition problem in Indonesia. Riskesdas 20...
The nutritional development of the Indonesian people is not getting better. Many nutritional problem...
: Nutritional problem occurs because there is an imbalance in nutritional need fulfillment from food...
Socio-conomic and nutritional status are nutrition problems in Indonesia. Solution to overcome this ...
Indonesia is experiencing 2 major nutritional problems. Apart from being malnourished, we are ...
The national development programme have made since 2000, focused in effort to increase people nutrit...
Currently Indonesia is facing double burden nutrition problems, undernutrition and overnutrition.The...
Economic development in Indonesia has improved a lot, but in community there are still many problems...
Malnutrition (malnutrition) is a pathological condition due to lack or excess relative or absolute o...
Abstract Objective: The incidence rate of nutritional deficiencies is a case rife in Indonesia, rang...
The health status of children under five is one of the primary indicators of public health in a coun...
Indonesia is a country with various nutritional problems and requires serious handling. This nutriti...
Malnutrition is an ecological problem in the sense influenced by various aspects, as explained in th...
This survey was conducted to estimate levels of health and nutrition problems as well as the associa...
Continuous and comprehensive efforts need to resolve malnutrition problem in Indonesia. Riskesdas 20...
The nutritional development of the Indonesian people is not getting better. Many nutritional problem...
: Nutritional problem occurs because there is an imbalance in nutritional need fulfillment from food...
Socio-conomic and nutritional status are nutrition problems in Indonesia. Solution to overcome this ...
Indonesia is experiencing 2 major nutritional problems. Apart from being malnourished, we are ...
The national development programme have made since 2000, focused in effort to increase people nutrit...
Currently Indonesia is facing double burden nutrition problems, undernutrition and overnutrition.The...
Economic development in Indonesia has improved a lot, but in community there are still many problems...
Malnutrition (malnutrition) is a pathological condition due to lack or excess relative or absolute o...
Abstract Objective: The incidence rate of nutritional deficiencies is a case rife in Indonesia, rang...
The health status of children under five is one of the primary indicators of public health in a coun...
Indonesia is a country with various nutritional problems and requires serious handling. This nutriti...
Malnutrition is an ecological problem in the sense influenced by various aspects, as explained in th...
This survey was conducted to estimate levels of health and nutrition problems as well as the associa...