Budaya Mandar Pappasang Hubungannya Dengan Pembinaan Moral Masyarakat

  • Syaeba, Muhammad
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Publication date
July 2017
LPPM Universitas Al Asyariah Mandar


This study aims to assess the scientific work it in and Mandar culture pappasang relationship with moral development of society , qualitative descriptive study design. That becomes assessment data is the phrase / sentence that contains / contain moral messages Mandar. Sources of data for the assessment is a written record of books related to Mandar pappasang moral and oral data sources obtained from informants . The data collection ( 1 ) Seeking Informants and knowledge to provide inputs for the author , (2 ) carefully and thoroughly read books and research results that are relevant to the study. ( 3 ) Conducting interviews with informants who have extensive knowledge of the cultural background of Mandar , especially pappasang Manda. The re...

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