An embedded product is a mix of hardware and software to carry out a dedicated task. A few of the primary devices utilized in embedded goods are Microprocessors and Microcontrollers. Microprocessors are generally known as general purpose processors because they simply accept the inputs, process it and provide the output. In comparison, a microcontroller not just accepts the information as inputs but additionally manipulates it, interfaces the information with assorted devices, controls the information and therefore finally provides the result. The Gps navigation and GSM based women home security system using Arduino Controller Microcontroller is definitely an exclusive project that may provide to safeguard women based on the instructions pr...
During the development of an engineered product, developers often need to create an embedded system-...
Technology has developed to a great extent such that we are totally dependent on them especially sma...
The work aims in designing and construction of the intelligent cell phone with Gps navigation enable...
Today embedded systems are replacing various systems that used to be designed with a set of complex ...
Embedded system basically a computer with dedicated function with a large mechanical and electrical ...
Smart Environment is built with the help of embedded system that can give an access to the environme...
Embedded systems are taking on more complicated tasks as the processors involved become more powerfu...
This literature has linked to accession of the microprocessor as the microcontroller to fill decisiv...
This article describes a new development board for embedded system that was designed especially for ...
Abstract The dramatic changes in integrated-circuit technology over the last two decades have been o...
An embedded system is a computer system designed to perform a specific set of tasks such as a GPS de...
This project describes about a one touch alarm system for women?s safety using GSM. In the light of ...
This is a document with study and implementation of home automation systems based on a free hardware...
The goal of the project was to implement a smart home by controlling electronic devices at home remo...
The fast boom of technology has made our lives easier. The number of computer based functions embed...
During the development of an engineered product, developers often need to create an embedded system-...
Technology has developed to a great extent such that we are totally dependent on them especially sma...
The work aims in designing and construction of the intelligent cell phone with Gps navigation enable...
Today embedded systems are replacing various systems that used to be designed with a set of complex ...
Embedded system basically a computer with dedicated function with a large mechanical and electrical ...
Smart Environment is built with the help of embedded system that can give an access to the environme...
Embedded systems are taking on more complicated tasks as the processors involved become more powerfu...
This literature has linked to accession of the microprocessor as the microcontroller to fill decisiv...
This article describes a new development board for embedded system that was designed especially for ...
Abstract The dramatic changes in integrated-circuit technology over the last two decades have been o...
An embedded system is a computer system designed to perform a specific set of tasks such as a GPS de...
This project describes about a one touch alarm system for women?s safety using GSM. In the light of ...
This is a document with study and implementation of home automation systems based on a free hardware...
The goal of the project was to implement a smart home by controlling electronic devices at home remo...
The fast boom of technology has made our lives easier. The number of computer based functions embed...
During the development of an engineered product, developers often need to create an embedded system-...
Technology has developed to a great extent such that we are totally dependent on them especially sma...
The work aims in designing and construction of the intelligent cell phone with Gps navigation enable...