Medical care is an input to the production of health. People get treatment for their health issues under western medicine , complementary and alternative medicine. Western medicine can be identified as the most famous and modern medical care system in the world. Complementary and alternative medicine refers to avariety of health practices as ayurveda, homeopathy, acupuncture, herbs, yoga, etc . Considering Sri Lankan context, with the rapid increase of ageing population, there is a growing trend in non communicable diseases. Most of people tend to use these two systems to recover from non communicable diseases asasthma, cholesterol, hypertension, arthritis, etc. The main objective of this study was to distinguish between the demand for alte...
There is a considerable amount of doubt about the effectiveness and safety profile of complementary ...
AYUSH, an acronym for Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha, Sowa-Rigpa and Homeopathy repre...
Objectives: While the introduction of biomedicine within the Sri Lankan healthcare system has result...
Alternative medicine is widely used throughout the world. The objective of this study was to determi...
Gail D Hughes,1 Oluwaseyi M Aboyade,1 John D Hill,2 Rafia S Rasu3 1South African Herbal Science and ...
This qualitative research study sought to investigate the uptake of Complementary Alternative/Herbal...
Introduction: In modern societies acceptability of treatment with complementary medicine has increas...
With the increasing usage of traditional medicines as complementary alternative therapy, possibiliti...
Traditional, complementary/alternative medicine (CAM/T) is popular in South-Asian countries, where a...
Objectives: This study assessed traditional herbal medicine (THM) and conventional medicine (CM) uti...
Between 2000-2010, the Asian population grew the most in America, increasing by 43%. It is important...
While the introduction of biomedicine within the Sri Lankan healthcare system has resulted in reduce...
Objectives : To evaluate the cost and proportion of complementary and alternative medicines (CAM) in...
The purposes of the present survey research in diabetic patients were 1) to determine characteristic...
Complementary and Alternative Medicine has been a part of every culture before modern medicine beca...
There is a considerable amount of doubt about the effectiveness and safety profile of complementary ...
AYUSH, an acronym for Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha, Sowa-Rigpa and Homeopathy repre...
Objectives: While the introduction of biomedicine within the Sri Lankan healthcare system has result...
Alternative medicine is widely used throughout the world. The objective of this study was to determi...
Gail D Hughes,1 Oluwaseyi M Aboyade,1 John D Hill,2 Rafia S Rasu3 1South African Herbal Science and ...
This qualitative research study sought to investigate the uptake of Complementary Alternative/Herbal...
Introduction: In modern societies acceptability of treatment with complementary medicine has increas...
With the increasing usage of traditional medicines as complementary alternative therapy, possibiliti...
Traditional, complementary/alternative medicine (CAM/T) is popular in South-Asian countries, where a...
Objectives: This study assessed traditional herbal medicine (THM) and conventional medicine (CM) uti...
Between 2000-2010, the Asian population grew the most in America, increasing by 43%. It is important...
While the introduction of biomedicine within the Sri Lankan healthcare system has resulted in reduce...
Objectives : To evaluate the cost and proportion of complementary and alternative medicines (CAM) in...
The purposes of the present survey research in diabetic patients were 1) to determine characteristic...
Complementary and Alternative Medicine has been a part of every culture before modern medicine beca...
There is a considerable amount of doubt about the effectiveness and safety profile of complementary ...
AYUSH, an acronym for Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha, Sowa-Rigpa and Homeopathy repre...
Objectives: While the introduction of biomedicine within the Sri Lankan healthcare system has result...