Early Sinhala Literature is based on the Pali literature. Most of the time thewriters have translated Pali sources into Sinhala. (i.e. Pali Bodhiwamsa>SinhalaBodhiwamsa) At that time, the Sinhala writers have employed the make out in Sinhalesein place of the word Translation. The researchers have shown the early Sinhala texts(i.e. Amawathura/Saddharmarathnawaliya) as the adaptation of the original PaliSources. The main objective of this study is to find out the nature of the methods ofadaptation, and to which extent Sinhala language has diverged from Pali in case ofsyntax.The syntactic study deals with the word order, case in noun, voice in verb, theagreement of the subject and the predicate, etc. As far as Sinhala is concerned, theabove...