The inclusive program of the State Primary School 32 Banda Aceh will be successful if it is supported by human resources professionally in carrying out school operational. This study aims at knowing the inclusive education program, inclusive educational implementation management and the encountered obstacles in the implementation of inclusive education management at SD Negeri 32 Banda Aceh. This research uses descriptive qualitative method. The techniques of collecting data were observations, interviews, and documentations. The subject of the research were school head master, vice of school head master, class teacher supervisor, special teacher assistant, and parents. The results of the research shows that 1) The school head master program...
This study analyzed the implementation of inclusive policies in Aceh Province starting from 2012 to ...
ABSTRACT : The purpose of this study was to describe the management of inclusive education in...
This study aims to describe the design of inclusive learning planning. This research uses a qualitat...
The inclusive program of the State Primary School 32 Banda Aceh will be successful if it is supporte...
This study aims to examine implementation of the Inclusive program in schools, specifically SDN 1 Sa...
Abstract : The purpose of this study is to obtain a picture of student management, curriculum manage...
Inclusive education is one form of special education in Indonesia to provide opportunities for child...
This research focus was the implementation of inclusive education at SDN Malang Sumbersari I in term...
ABSTRACT Inclusive education is the provision of education system that provides opportunities ...
The Indonesia Government has commitments to organize inclusive education, that is to give the widest...
The implementation of inclusive education enables children with special needs to learn together with...
The implementation of inclusive education in Semarang is still experiencing various obstacles. The a...
In order to pursue educational equity for Indonesian citizens , the government has issued a policy o...
ABSTRACT:Inclusive education is defined as the incorporation of special education and regular educat...
This study aims to describe the Management of Inclusive Learning at SDIT Sahabat Alam Palangka Raya....
This study analyzed the implementation of inclusive policies in Aceh Province starting from 2012 to ...
ABSTRACT : The purpose of this study was to describe the management of inclusive education in...
This study aims to describe the design of inclusive learning planning. This research uses a qualitat...
The inclusive program of the State Primary School 32 Banda Aceh will be successful if it is supporte...
This study aims to examine implementation of the Inclusive program in schools, specifically SDN 1 Sa...
Abstract : The purpose of this study is to obtain a picture of student management, curriculum manage...
Inclusive education is one form of special education in Indonesia to provide opportunities for child...
This research focus was the implementation of inclusive education at SDN Malang Sumbersari I in term...
ABSTRACT Inclusive education is the provision of education system that provides opportunities ...
The Indonesia Government has commitments to organize inclusive education, that is to give the widest...
The implementation of inclusive education enables children with special needs to learn together with...
The implementation of inclusive education in Semarang is still experiencing various obstacles. The a...
In order to pursue educational equity for Indonesian citizens , the government has issued a policy o...
ABSTRACT:Inclusive education is defined as the incorporation of special education and regular educat...
This study aims to describe the Management of Inclusive Learning at SDIT Sahabat Alam Palangka Raya....
This study analyzed the implementation of inclusive policies in Aceh Province starting from 2012 to ...
ABSTRACT : The purpose of this study was to describe the management of inclusive education in...
This study aims to describe the design of inclusive learning planning. This research uses a qualitat...