Cette étude est basée sur la collection la plus complète d'éclogites cratoniques (> 180 nodules), provenant des cratons sibériens et sud-africains.Les éclogites non-métasomatisés de type IIA sont plus magnésiennes, enrichis en LREE, avec des valeurs de δ18O, de 3,7-7,5 ‰, des anomalies positives en Sr et correspondant à une couche à basse pression-température (PT). La composition de la roche totale est un protolithe basaltique. Les éclogites de type IIB sont plus sodiques et alumineux, appauvris en terres rares, avec des valeurs de δ18O de 2,3-3,6 ‰, correspondant à l'équilibre à haute PT. La composition de la roche totale correspond au protolithe pyroxénitique. Les éclogites à coésite, disthène ou corindon ont des clinopyroxènes riches en ...
Eclogite xenoliths from the Kimberley diamond mine dumps were studied for major, trace elements and ...
The most outstanding features of Archaean cratons are their extraordinary thickness and enduring lon...
There is a growing body of evidence for the origin of cratonic mantle eclogite xenoliths by low-pres...
This study is based on the most complete existing collection of cratonic eclogites (> 180 nodules), ...
The most extensive evidence for the evolution of the primitive crust is preserved at the base of the...
Eclogites from the Earth's mantle found in kimberlites provide important information on craton forma...
International audienceEclogite xenoliths, together with garnet pyroxenites and some mafic garnet gra...
A suite of mantle eclogite hosted within the Premier kimberlite on the Kaapvaal craton can be classi...
Co-auteur étrangerXenoliths brought up by kimberlite magmas are rare samples of otherwise inaccessib...
Major- and trace-element and Sr-Nd-Hf isotopic compositions of garnet and clinopyroxene in kimberlit...
M.Sc. (Geology)This treatise presents the first comprehensive investigation in petrography and geoch...
I studied the petrography, major element chemistry, geothermobarometry, and trace element chemistry ...
. 21 ont des teneurs en Os > 1 ppb et des rapports 187Re/188Os 200km), froid (40 mW/m²) et composé m...
If the subcontinental lithospheric mantle (SCLM) formed through the repeated underthrusting of ocean...
New trace-element data of rutile in kimberlite-borne ~1.85 Ga eclogite and pyroxenite xenoliths from...
Eclogite xenoliths from the Kimberley diamond mine dumps were studied for major, trace elements and ...
The most outstanding features of Archaean cratons are their extraordinary thickness and enduring lon...
There is a growing body of evidence for the origin of cratonic mantle eclogite xenoliths by low-pres...
This study is based on the most complete existing collection of cratonic eclogites (> 180 nodules), ...
The most extensive evidence for the evolution of the primitive crust is preserved at the base of the...
Eclogites from the Earth's mantle found in kimberlites provide important information on craton forma...
International audienceEclogite xenoliths, together with garnet pyroxenites and some mafic garnet gra...
A suite of mantle eclogite hosted within the Premier kimberlite on the Kaapvaal craton can be classi...
Co-auteur étrangerXenoliths brought up by kimberlite magmas are rare samples of otherwise inaccessib...
Major- and trace-element and Sr-Nd-Hf isotopic compositions of garnet and clinopyroxene in kimberlit...
M.Sc. (Geology)This treatise presents the first comprehensive investigation in petrography and geoch...
I studied the petrography, major element chemistry, geothermobarometry, and trace element chemistry ...
. 21 ont des teneurs en Os > 1 ppb et des rapports 187Re/188Os 200km), froid (40 mW/m²) et composé m...
If the subcontinental lithospheric mantle (SCLM) formed through the repeated underthrusting of ocean...
New trace-element data of rutile in kimberlite-borne ~1.85 Ga eclogite and pyroxenite xenoliths from...
Eclogite xenoliths from the Kimberley diamond mine dumps were studied for major, trace elements and ...
The most outstanding features of Archaean cratons are their extraordinary thickness and enduring lon...
There is a growing body of evidence for the origin of cratonic mantle eclogite xenoliths by low-pres...