The main subject of this thesis is based on a ˝Ta'bîr-nâme˝ that Muhyiddin İbnü'l-Arabî translated after a careful compilation of İbn-i Sîrîn and other tabir-names. İt is named ˝Ta'bîr-nâme-i Muhyiddin Arabî Kuddise Sirruhu’l Te’âlâ ˝ by its writer. Along with this tabirname, a ˝Seğir-nâme˝ also takes place on the first pages. Despite the fact that the features of the language used in this piece are similar to the Old Anatolian Turkish, it is estimated that the piece was written between the 12th and 13th centuries, the years during which the translator Muhyiddin İbnü'l –Arabî lived. The time when it was written is not defined in the text. Although İbn-i Sîrîn was one of the hadith scholars of his time, he became famous mostly for his dr...