As microprocessor design scales to nanometric technology, traditional post-silicon validation techniques are inappropriate to get a full system functional coverage. Physical complexity and extreme technology process variations introduce design challenges to guarantee performance over process, voltage, and temperature conditions. In addition, there is an increasingly higher number of mixed-signal circuits within microprocessors. Many of them correspond to high-speed input/output (HSIO) links. Improvements in signaling methods, circuits, and process technology have allowed HSIO data rates to scale beyond 10 Gb/s, where undesired effects can create multiple signal integrity problems. With all of these elements, post-silicon validation of HSIO ...
Higher data rates in high speed input/output (HSIO) links demand more equalization (EQ) complexity, ...
Enhanced small form-factor pluggable (SFP+) is a specification for a new generation of optical modul...
The continuously increasing bandwidth demand from new applications has led to the development of the...
As microprocessor design scales to nanometric technology, traditional post-silicon validation techni...
As microprocessor design scales to nanometric technology, traditional post-silicon validation techni...
Post-silicon validation is a crucial industrial testing process in modern computer platforms. Post-s...
Post-silicon validation is a crucial industrial testing process in modern computer platforms. Post-s...
There is an increasingly higher number of mixed-signal circuits within microprocessors. A significan...
One of the major challenges in high-speed input/output (HSIO) links electrical validation is the phy...
There is an increasingly higher number of mixed-signal circuits within microprocessors and systems o...
Enhancing signal integrity (SI) and reliability in modern computer platforms heavily depends on the ...
Post-silicon electrical validation of high-speed input/output (HSIO) links is a critical process for...
As microprocessor design scales to the 10 nm technology and beyond, traditional pre- and post-silico...
The optimization of receiver analog circuitry in modern high-speed input/output (HSIO) links is a ve...
Analog post-silicon validation and testing of high-speed input/output (HSIO) links in high-performan...
Higher data rates in high speed input/output (HSIO) links demand more equalization (EQ) complexity, ...
Enhanced small form-factor pluggable (SFP+) is a specification for a new generation of optical modul...
The continuously increasing bandwidth demand from new applications has led to the development of the...
As microprocessor design scales to nanometric technology, traditional post-silicon validation techni...
As microprocessor design scales to nanometric technology, traditional post-silicon validation techni...
Post-silicon validation is a crucial industrial testing process in modern computer platforms. Post-s...
Post-silicon validation is a crucial industrial testing process in modern computer platforms. Post-s...
There is an increasingly higher number of mixed-signal circuits within microprocessors. A significan...
One of the major challenges in high-speed input/output (HSIO) links electrical validation is the phy...
There is an increasingly higher number of mixed-signal circuits within microprocessors and systems o...
Enhancing signal integrity (SI) and reliability in modern computer platforms heavily depends on the ...
Post-silicon electrical validation of high-speed input/output (HSIO) links is a critical process for...
As microprocessor design scales to the 10 nm technology and beyond, traditional pre- and post-silico...
The optimization of receiver analog circuitry in modern high-speed input/output (HSIO) links is a ve...
Analog post-silicon validation and testing of high-speed input/output (HSIO) links in high-performan...
Higher data rates in high speed input/output (HSIO) links demand more equalization (EQ) complexity, ...
Enhanced small form-factor pluggable (SFP+) is a specification for a new generation of optical modul...
The continuously increasing bandwidth demand from new applications has led to the development of the...