Watching the Boa Constrictor Uncoil: Sexual Desire and The Emperor Jones

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Publication date
January 2013
Green Theory and Praxis: The Journal of Ecopedagogy


In the spring of 2006, the Wooster Group re-staged its 1998 production of The Emperor Jones at St. Ann’s Warehouse in Brooklyn.  The re-staging largely retained its original elements, most notably in the embodiment of the title role of Brutus Jones by Kate Valk, a forty-nine year-old white woman, who performed the show in blackface.  The implications of casting a white woman in the role of a “tall, powerfully-built, full-blooded Negro of middle age” will serve as the main inquiry of this paper.  I hope to argue that the decision to cast Valk as Jones did more than, as Hilton Als suggests, “[equate] the female with the black outsider.”  Instead, by reading Charles Gilpin’s performance o...

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