Press abstracts, Fifteenth Lunar and Planetary Science Conference : March 12-16, 1984

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Publication date
January 1984
Lunar and Planetary Institute


The Program Committee for the Fifteenth Lunar and Planetary Science Conference has chosen these contributions as having the greatest potential interest for the general public. The papers in this collection have been written for general presentation, avoiding jargon and unnecessarily complex terms. More technical abstracts will be found in Lunar and Planetary Science XV.Compiled by the Lunar and Planetary Institute.Cosmic ray exposure of SNC meteorites and constraints on their derivation from Mars / D. D. Bogard, P. Johnson, and L. E. Nyquist--Volcanism and rift formation in Beta Regio, Venus: New radar results. / D. B. Campbell, J. W. Head, J. K. Harmon, and A. A. Hine.--Origin of the moon: In search of the holy grail / J. W. Delano--SeaMAR...

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