As imagens de campanhas publicitárias de moda como dispositivos de docilização do corpo da mulher

  • Vaz, Jéssica
Publication date
January 2018


This dissertation seeks to show how fashion images are used by biopower as a device to docilize female bodies in the control society. Through Giorgio Agamben and his conceptualization of the term device; of Michel Foucault and his writings on the disciplinary society, the concepts of power and biopolitics; Gilles Deleuze with his theory of control society, and Judith Butler (2016), with his theory about compulsory heterosexuality and a performative genre, we will discuss the constant search for disciplining women through patterns of beauty, pre-established gender and socially considered behavior acceptable.A presente dissertação busca mostrar como as imagens de moda são utilizadas pelo biopoder como um dispositivo para docilizar os corpos f...

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