Character Education has a very important role in developing quality human resources and integrity. Morals, will not grow in someone who does not have the principle of "khasyatullah" (fear of Allah SWT). So to make human beings with character and in accordance with the Qur'an and Sunnah, requires a balanced education between general education and religion. In building an advanced nation's civilization. The problems studied in this study are: Based on the background above, the researcher formulates the basic problems to be studied: What is the character education model of K.H. Ahmad Dahlan and K.H. Hasyim Asy'ari and how to compare the character education model of K.H. Ahmad Dahlan and K.H. Hasyim Asy'ari. The purpose of this study is to find...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan penggunaan buku al-Iktisyaf dan al-Mutholaah al-Arabiya...
Al-Ghazali’s aim of education as “To cultivate man so that he abides by the teachings of religion an...
The Qur'an is the revelation that God revealed to humanity through Muhammad as His messenger, while ...
Abstract This article analyzes the hadiths concerning halal, haram, and syubhat and the attitude of ...
Banyak dari masyarakat yang secara ekonomi mampu untuk melakukan ibadah haji, umroh dan qurban, teta...
Hadith of the Prophet is one of the main sources of Islamic teaching, by which Muslims all over the ...
Menulis adalah media dari beberapa media komunikasi dan ia juga sarana untuk mengungkapkan apa yang ...
Buku berjudul Samudera al-Qur’an “Kajian Tematik dan Ilmiah” telah selesai disusun dan bertujuan unt...
Abstract: Kaitan antara Islam dan Sains tidak lepas dari proses kemajuan dan kemunduran sains dalam ...
Abstract: This article is an essential part of the development of the treasures that relates to the ...
Islam has put greater emphasis on the importance of acquisition and dissemination of knowledge (‘ilm...
Dalam kajian Hadis ditinjau dari segi kuantitas periwayatnya, maka kajian Hadis ini dapat digolongka...
Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh adanya kesulitan yang dirasakan siswa ketika pembelajaran maha...
“Zakat isdesigned by Allah SWT for the purpose of human benefit as an individual, social welfare and...
Abstract: Jurisprudence is one of the disciplines that become facts of history in appreciating the l...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan penggunaan buku al-Iktisyaf dan al-Mutholaah al-Arabiya...
Al-Ghazali’s aim of education as “To cultivate man so that he abides by the teachings of religion an...
The Qur'an is the revelation that God revealed to humanity through Muhammad as His messenger, while ...
Abstract This article analyzes the hadiths concerning halal, haram, and syubhat and the attitude of ...
Banyak dari masyarakat yang secara ekonomi mampu untuk melakukan ibadah haji, umroh dan qurban, teta...
Hadith of the Prophet is one of the main sources of Islamic teaching, by which Muslims all over the ...
Menulis adalah media dari beberapa media komunikasi dan ia juga sarana untuk mengungkapkan apa yang ...
Buku berjudul Samudera al-Qur’an “Kajian Tematik dan Ilmiah” telah selesai disusun dan bertujuan unt...
Abstract: Kaitan antara Islam dan Sains tidak lepas dari proses kemajuan dan kemunduran sains dalam ...
Abstract: This article is an essential part of the development of the treasures that relates to the ...
Islam has put greater emphasis on the importance of acquisition and dissemination of knowledge (‘ilm...
Dalam kajian Hadis ditinjau dari segi kuantitas periwayatnya, maka kajian Hadis ini dapat digolongka...
Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh adanya kesulitan yang dirasakan siswa ketika pembelajaran maha...
“Zakat isdesigned by Allah SWT for the purpose of human benefit as an individual, social welfare and...
Abstract: Jurisprudence is one of the disciplines that become facts of history in appreciating the l...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan penggunaan buku al-Iktisyaf dan al-Mutholaah al-Arabiya...
Al-Ghazali’s aim of education as “To cultivate man so that he abides by the teachings of religion an...
The Qur'an is the revelation that God revealed to humanity through Muhammad as His messenger, while ...