Molecular modelling of K/sup ATP/ channel blockers-ADP/ ATP carrier interactions

  • Žiemys, Artūras
  • Toleikis, Adolfas
  • Kopustinskienė, Dalia Marija
Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET)
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IEE Proceedings : 12th BTK meeting: "Systems biology: redefining BioThermoKinetics"The modelling of molecule-molecule interactions has been widely accepted as a tool for drug discovery and development studies. However, this powerful technique is unappreciated in physiological and biochemical studies, where it could be extremely useful for understanding the mechanisms of action of various compounds in cases when experimental data are controversial due to complexity of the investigated systems. In this study, based on the biochemical data suggesting involvement of mitochondrial ADP/ATP carrier in K+ and H+ transport to mitochondrial matrix molecular modelling is applied to elucidate the possible interactions between the ADP/ATP carrier and it...

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