Learning English is challenging for many students, particularly in writing skill, especially in writing recount text, as they must spend some times to express their ideas into written product. Most of the students are still confused in writing recount text. Students’ score in the pre-test proves it. Their score is still low. Therefore, this study applied Picture series as media to increase students’ skill in writing recount text. This study is aimed to describe how Picture series can increase students’ skill in writing recount text. The participant of this study is Class A, Second-grade students of SMPN 18 Malang in academic year of 2019. There are twenty-seven students. This study is Classroom Action Research (CAR). To collect data, the ...
The research was conducted to find out of the being taught through there is any significant improvem...
The objective of the research is to prove whether the use of Picture Series is effective to improve ...
This research aims to investigate and explore the use of picture series as teaching media towards te...
The research paper entitled “Series of Picture as a Means of Improving Students’ Writing Recount Tex...
This study is based on the needs to improve the students' ability in writing recount text. Therefore...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti apakah ada peningkatan pada kemampuan siswa dalam menulis se...
This research aimed to describe how picture series medium can increase the students’s writing skil...
Abstract This research was conducted to improve the students’ participation in learning writing reco...
AbstractThis research is aimed to investigate whether or not the use of picture series affect the st...
ABSTRACT Lestari, Arin Yunia Nur. 2016. Using Picture Series to Improve the Ability of Tenth Gr...
Abstract: The research is about improving ability on recount text writing through Pictures Series to...
: The research is about improving ability on recount text writing through Pictures Series to the Eig...
ABSTRAK Amalia, Keke . 2018. Improving Eight Graders’ Writing Skills in Recount Text through Pictu...
Abstract: This research is about improving students recount text writing by using picture series. Th...
The aim of this research was to find out the using series of pictures to improve the skill in writin...
The research was conducted to find out of the being taught through there is any significant improvem...
The objective of the research is to prove whether the use of Picture Series is effective to improve ...
This research aims to investigate and explore the use of picture series as teaching media towards te...
The research paper entitled “Series of Picture as a Means of Improving Students’ Writing Recount Tex...
This study is based on the needs to improve the students' ability in writing recount text. Therefore...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti apakah ada peningkatan pada kemampuan siswa dalam menulis se...
This research aimed to describe how picture series medium can increase the students’s writing skil...
Abstract This research was conducted to improve the students’ participation in learning writing reco...
AbstractThis research is aimed to investigate whether or not the use of picture series affect the st...
ABSTRACT Lestari, Arin Yunia Nur. 2016. Using Picture Series to Improve the Ability of Tenth Gr...
Abstract: The research is about improving ability on recount text writing through Pictures Series to...
: The research is about improving ability on recount text writing through Pictures Series to the Eig...
ABSTRAK Amalia, Keke . 2018. Improving Eight Graders’ Writing Skills in Recount Text through Pictu...
Abstract: This research is about improving students recount text writing by using picture series. Th...
The aim of this research was to find out the using series of pictures to improve the skill in writin...
The research was conducted to find out of the being taught through there is any significant improvem...
The objective of the research is to prove whether the use of Picture Series is effective to improve ...
This research aims to investigate and explore the use of picture series as teaching media towards te...