Khongor talks about a bone-setter named Shuurga Khartsyzov who lived in the same village as him: Gakhan Avgnr. Shuurga could heal the broken legs of racehorses. After setting the broken or displaced bones, he put on a pine stick and bandaged the leg. Horse keepers from the Rostov stud farm used to bring their horses to Shuurga. He also healed people. Once in his childhood Khongor’s father had the temple on his skull displaced. Shuurga cut a stick, put it on the head of the patient and bandaged the head. That is how he cured Khongor’s father who lived 72 years. Shuurga’s son, Damba Khartsyzov, was also a bone-setter.Sponsored by Arcadia Fund, a charitable fund of Lisbet Rausing and Peter Baldwi