Boris tells us a story about how a famous Kalmyk lama named Ulyadzhi bagshi Tazaev and a zaisang called Badma Tsembelev went to Tibet. Both of these men belonged to Boris’ clan: There was a well-known lama (gelyung) in our clan named Ulyadzhi bagshi Tazaev. He lived before the 1917 Revolution. One day, Badma Tsembelev went to ask his relatives for help (dem). Upon entering the yurt of his relatives, who lived the furthest, Badma saw Ulyadzhi bagshi. Badma sat down and enquired about his relatives’ well-being. Ulyadzhi bagshi asked Badma, ‘Have you collected a lot of help from your relatives?’, ‘Yes, enough. I will buy land, breed cattle and become rich’, Badma replied. Ulyadzhi bagshi continued, ‘If you want to really get rich, you can go w...