Garya talks about the history of his clan and place. This place/village is called Gashun-Burgusta. We, Noynakhn people, live in this village. Our clan (angi) consists of eight sub-clans (torl). Our elders explain the name of our clan as follows. In the past, the noyon (lord) Danzan was riding across the steppe in search of a good pastureland. He had a big entourage, including his bodyguards and service people. When he reached this place of Gashun-Burgusta, he stopped for a rest for a couple of days. He liked this place. Afterwards, he visited Ketchenery which he also liked. After the lord left, the elders met to discuss what to do. Since the place was consecrated by the visits of a high lord and lamas, the elders decided to name themselves ...