none1noDirective 2014/23/EU on the award of concession contracts expressly excludes form its scope concession contracts for public passenger transport services within the meaning of regulation (EC) No 1370/2007. Therefore, the first purpose of this essay is to clarify, on the one hand (§ 2), what is the field covered by directive 2014/23/EU and thus the field of the exemption from its application when the object of concession contracts are public passenger transport services ruled by Regulation (EC) No 1370/2007; on the other hand (§ 3), what are legal regimes applicable to models of organization of public passenger transport services not taking the form of services concession contracts (i.e. works concession contracts, public service contr...
The Managing Bodies of Seaports' Contractual Activity and the Codice dei Contratti Pubblici. This pa...
The essay deals with the conditions required to establish a mixed capital company (i.e. a company wh...
Koncesija yra viena seniausių ir plačiausiai taikomų viešosios ir privačiosios partnerystės formų, p...
Until the adoption of Directive 2014/23 EU level concessions were regulated in part (only works, not...
Highway concessions are the principal model applied in the construction and manage- ment of highways...
Il contributo concerne la disciplina delle concessioni di lavori e servizi contenuta nel nuovo codic...
According to administrative tradition, concession is an instrument that allows individuals to use a ...
La concessione di servizio pubblico rappresenta un istituto “chiave” per comprendere l’evoluzione de...
Cette thèse a pour objectif d’apporter un éclaircissement sur la notion de la concession de service ...
Public utilities concession is a fundamental legal institute to understand the evolution of the rela...
Public service concession is a fundamental legal institute to understand the evolution of the relati...
Nonostante il tradizionale istituto della concessione di servizi sia stato parzialmente “attratto” n...
The “availment” is a recent legal institute, derived from European Union law: it allows an economic ...
This essay inquires the situation of concession contracts, by the prospect of its remedies. This fie...
The EU Commission released in July 2005 its third proposal for a “regulation on action by Member Sta...
The Managing Bodies of Seaports' Contractual Activity and the Codice dei Contratti Pubblici. This pa...
The essay deals with the conditions required to establish a mixed capital company (i.e. a company wh...
Koncesija yra viena seniausių ir plačiausiai taikomų viešosios ir privačiosios partnerystės formų, p...
Until the adoption of Directive 2014/23 EU level concessions were regulated in part (only works, not...
Highway concessions are the principal model applied in the construction and manage- ment of highways...
Il contributo concerne la disciplina delle concessioni di lavori e servizi contenuta nel nuovo codic...
According to administrative tradition, concession is an instrument that allows individuals to use a ...
La concessione di servizio pubblico rappresenta un istituto “chiave” per comprendere l’evoluzione de...
Cette thèse a pour objectif d’apporter un éclaircissement sur la notion de la concession de service ...
Public utilities concession is a fundamental legal institute to understand the evolution of the rela...
Public service concession is a fundamental legal institute to understand the evolution of the relati...
Nonostante il tradizionale istituto della concessione di servizi sia stato parzialmente “attratto” n...
The “availment” is a recent legal institute, derived from European Union law: it allows an economic ...
This essay inquires the situation of concession contracts, by the prospect of its remedies. This fie...
The EU Commission released in July 2005 its third proposal for a “regulation on action by Member Sta...
The Managing Bodies of Seaports' Contractual Activity and the Codice dei Contratti Pubblici. This pa...
The essay deals with the conditions required to establish a mixed capital company (i.e. a company wh...
Koncesija yra viena seniausių ir plačiausiai taikomų viešosios ir privačiosios partnerystės formų, p...