Robotic removal of Müllerian duct remnants in pediatric patients: our experience and a review of the literature

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Publication date
June 2018
PAGEPress Publications


open7siPersistent Müllerian duct syndrome is a disorder of sexual development, which features a failure of involution of Müllerian structures. An enlarged prostatic utricle is a kind of Müllerian duct remnant (MDR) with a tubular shaped structure communicating with the prostatic urethra. Treatment is aimed at relieving symptoms when present, preserve fertility and prevent neoplastic degeneration. We describe 3 cases of successful robot assisted-removal of symptomatic MDRs. The first case came to our attention for pseudo-incontinence; the other two for recurrent urinary tract infections. The patients have not presented such symptoms anymore on follow-up. We then reviewed existent literature on authors who have recently investigated the main ...

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