none1noLe relazioni della semantica proposizionale di Bernard Bolzano con la logica proposizionale ed enunciativa degli stoici, con particolare riguardo al tema della rappresentazione e al problema del criterio di verità.Although Bolzano rarely mentions the Stoics, there is a substantial correspon-dence between the Bolzanian doctrine of “an sich” and the Stoic logic of proposi-tions. For both, in fact, the fundamental logic element is not the name or term, but the complete sentence in inner sense of which – such as Bolzano “objective con-tent” and the Stoics lekton, i.e. the “sayable” or “that which is meant” – lies the cri-terion of truth. It is a propositional semantic with semiological foundation, defin-able as a logic of the structure, ...