Mexico's geopolitics in Central America: Regional hegemony? [La geopol�tica de M�xico en Centro Am�rica: �Una hegemon�a regional?]

  • Rocha, A.
Publication date
January 2006
Universidad de Guadalajara (UDG)


Mexico as well as Brazil (first decade of 2000) started to release geo-economic and geo-political projections about their unmediated surroundings (their region of belonging) and their mediated surroundings (their neighboring region), besides playing major political roles in their far surroundings (the Latin American and Caribbean region) and their remote surroundings (the American continent). As a result, we have proposed and developed the idea that such situations and realities are those of processes of constitution of States with "sub-hegemonic" roles, with their respective functions of "sub-hegemony". We therefore ask the following question: Why are both Mexico and Brazil defining "sub-hegemonic" roles? Are such roles and functions possi...

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