1. This study aims to assess the role of myosin heavy chain (MHC) and alkali myosin light chain (MLC) isoforms in determining maximum velocity of shortening in fast skeletal muscle fibres. 2. The maximum velocity of shortening as determined by the slack test (Vo) was tested for its relationship with MHC composition and with alkali MLC isoform ratio of fast fibres of known MHC composition. 3. MHC isoform composition was determined using sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and monoclonal antibodies against MHCs, and combining the results obtained using the two methods. Three groups of fast fibres containing only one MHC isoform were identified: IIA, IIX and IIB fibres containing respectively IIA MHC, IIX MHC ...