The features of the content and distribution of the inorganic forms of silicon and nitrogen (nitrate, nitrite and ammonium) in a field of density in the Black Sea in the early spring are considered. The molar relation between nutrients specify deficiency of nitrogenous sources, accessible to phytoplankton. Hydrochemical conditions is promoting prevalence of regenerated production above "new" one.Рассмотрены особенности содержания и распределения в поле плотности неорганических форм кремния и азота (нитраты, нитриты и аммоний) в Черном море ранней весной. Величины молярного отношения биогенных элементов указывают на дефицит соединений азота, доступных фитопланктону. Гидрохимическая обстановка в период наблюдений характерна для условий, спосо...
The influence of different medium nitrate concentrations on the growth and chemical composition (the...
The growth characteristics and chemical composition of Spirulina (Arthrospira) platensis were invest...
[Author abstract]Callus, two years old, of green popular (Populus nigra L.) was cultured on three ki...
Nitrogen nitrate and oil both taken separately and in combination were studied for their effect on t...
The basic sources are specified of biogenic elements coming into the aquatorium of functioning musse...
The dynamics of Dunaliella salina biomass is shown at cultivation on Trenkenshu medium in batch and ...
Самая высокая скорость деления клеток диатомовых водорослей Черного моря Sceletonema costatum (Grev)...
Processes of the self-purification in the sea water from the nitrogenorganic matter in γ-GCCG's pres...
Consumption of nitrogen compounds dissolved in sea water by microphytobenthos dwelling in oyster-cul...
Our investigations of the large river Dnieper in Belarus showed that the concentration of mineral ni...
Региональные экологические проблемы: экологический мониторинг и менеджментВ структуре азотного фонда...
Региональные экологические проблемы: экологический мониторинг и менеджментВ структуре азотного фонда...
Полученные данные позволяют предположить, что водоросль P. micans относится к «фосфорофильным» форма...
The analysis of the system characteristics of the cyanobacteria Spirulina platensis in the experimen...
Soil nitrogen facility presented the total nitrogen stocks 12,9–15,5 t/ha. The share of mineral nitr...
The influence of different medium nitrate concentrations on the growth and chemical composition (the...
The growth characteristics and chemical composition of Spirulina (Arthrospira) platensis were invest...
[Author abstract]Callus, two years old, of green popular (Populus nigra L.) was cultured on three ki...
Nitrogen nitrate and oil both taken separately and in combination were studied for their effect on t...
The basic sources are specified of biogenic elements coming into the aquatorium of functioning musse...
The dynamics of Dunaliella salina biomass is shown at cultivation on Trenkenshu medium in batch and ...
Самая высокая скорость деления клеток диатомовых водорослей Черного моря Sceletonema costatum (Grev)...
Processes of the self-purification in the sea water from the nitrogenorganic matter in γ-GCCG's pres...
Consumption of nitrogen compounds dissolved in sea water by microphytobenthos dwelling in oyster-cul...
Our investigations of the large river Dnieper in Belarus showed that the concentration of mineral ni...
Региональные экологические проблемы: экологический мониторинг и менеджментВ структуре азотного фонда...
Региональные экологические проблемы: экологический мониторинг и менеджментВ структуре азотного фонда...
Полученные данные позволяют предположить, что водоросль P. micans относится к «фосфорофильным» форма...
The analysis of the system characteristics of the cyanobacteria Spirulina platensis in the experimen...
Soil nitrogen facility presented the total nitrogen stocks 12,9–15,5 t/ha. The share of mineral nitr...
The influence of different medium nitrate concentrations on the growth and chemical composition (the...
The growth characteristics and chemical composition of Spirulina (Arthrospira) platensis were invest...
[Author abstract]Callus, two years old, of green popular (Populus nigra L.) was cultured on three ki...