Territorially-biotopic distribution of birds of the Sevastopol region coastal zone is considered. Depending on a geomorphological structure of coast and distribution of depths, 3 areas – Laspinsko-Hersonessky, Sevastopolsky and Kachinsky are allocated. Nesting of 23 species is established, winters on coastal sea water area not less than 45 species. Preliminary data about specific structure of migrating birds are cited.Рассматривается территориально-биотопическое распределение птиц береговой зоны Севастопольского региона. В зависимости от геоморфологического строения берегов и распределения глубин, выделено 3 района – Ласпинско-Херсонесский, Севастопольский и Качинский. Установлено гнездование 23 видов, зимует на прибрежной морской акватории...
Seasonal dynamics of size-mass cenopopulation structure is described for certain Black Sea species o...
The seasonal dynamics of bivalvia larvae abundance in the coastal plancton have been analyzed. Among...
В статье указаны данные относительно мониторинговых исследований птицеводческих хозяйств по разведен...
The ornithofauna of two investigated proving grounds in the south-western part of the Sargasso Sea w...
As a consequence of higher water temperatures in 2009 year, the significant changes in taxonomic and...
Intraspecific status of anchovy wintering in 2007/2008 years near south and south-west Crimean coast...
In the work are given the data about composition and abundance of the birds of the small populated a...
Рассматриваются изменения населения птиц в ходе вторичной сукцессии ольховых лесов в юго-западной Бе...
The age distribution features of the Black Sea sprat, Sprattus sprattus phalericus (Risso) in the ca...
Веснік Віцебскага дзяржаўнага ўніверсітэта. - 2013. - № 6 (78). - С. 36-52. - Библиогр.: с. 52 (12 н...
Сезонная смена фаунистических комплексов ци- клопид прослежена в прудах на притоке реки Вита за пери...
The fauna changeability of sound scattering layers in the Black Sea has been explored as a result of...
Long-term changes and seasonal dynamics of Acartia clausi and A. tonsa in Sevastopol Bay during 2002...
The dynamics of average number of the Crimean and Sevastopol coastal zone ichthyoplankton in differe...
Bird surveys were conducted in various habitats in Schmidt Peninsula, northern Sakhalin during summe...
Seasonal dynamics of size-mass cenopopulation structure is described for certain Black Sea species o...
The seasonal dynamics of bivalvia larvae abundance in the coastal plancton have been analyzed. Among...
В статье указаны данные относительно мониторинговых исследований птицеводческих хозяйств по разведен...
The ornithofauna of two investigated proving grounds in the south-western part of the Sargasso Sea w...
As a consequence of higher water temperatures in 2009 year, the significant changes in taxonomic and...
Intraspecific status of anchovy wintering in 2007/2008 years near south and south-west Crimean coast...
In the work are given the data about composition and abundance of the birds of the small populated a...
Рассматриваются изменения населения птиц в ходе вторичной сукцессии ольховых лесов в юго-западной Бе...
The age distribution features of the Black Sea sprat, Sprattus sprattus phalericus (Risso) in the ca...
Веснік Віцебскага дзяржаўнага ўніверсітэта. - 2013. - № 6 (78). - С. 36-52. - Библиогр.: с. 52 (12 н...
Сезонная смена фаунистических комплексов ци- клопид прослежена в прудах на притоке реки Вита за пери...
The fauna changeability of sound scattering layers in the Black Sea has been explored as a result of...
Long-term changes and seasonal dynamics of Acartia clausi and A. tonsa in Sevastopol Bay during 2002...
The dynamics of average number of the Crimean and Sevastopol coastal zone ichthyoplankton in differe...
Bird surveys were conducted in various habitats in Schmidt Peninsula, northern Sakhalin during summe...
Seasonal dynamics of size-mass cenopopulation structure is described for certain Black Sea species o...
The seasonal dynamics of bivalvia larvae abundance in the coastal plancton have been analyzed. Among...
В статье указаны данные относительно мониторинговых исследований птицеводческих хозяйств по разведен...