Rapporten gir en oversikt over toktene til Havforskningsinstituttets forskningsfartøy "G.O.Sars", "Johan Hjort", "Michael Sars" og "G.M. Dannevig" i 1999. Hovedsakelig CTD og trål. Først vises oversikt over tidsrom for tokt og toktnr. For de fleste toktene vises kurs- og stasjonskart. Tabellene på side to og tre viser når de faste snittene er tatt og antall observasjoner pr måned for de faste stasjonene. På side fire vises dekning - CTD st. tatt i 1999. Disse oversiktene er også innrapportert til Det internasjonale råd for havforskning (ICES) sammen med Summary Report. Data fra toktene er tilgjengelig fra Havforskningsinstituttet. Rapporten kan brukes til å identifisere båt og stasjonsnummer man ønsker data for
The report presents cruises carried out by the research vessels "G. O. Sars", "Johan Hjort", "Håkon ...
The report presents cruises carried out by the research vessels "G. O. Sars", "Johan Hjort", "Håkon ...
The report presents cruises carried out by the research vessels "G.O. Sars", "Johan Hjort", "Håkon M...
Rapporten gir en oversikt over toktene til Havforskningsinstituttets forskningsfartøy "G.O. Sars", ...
Rapporten gir en oversikt over toktene til Havforskningsinstituttets forskningsfartøy "G.O.Sars", "J...
The present report shows the course tracks and stations occupied by the research vessels "G.O. Sars"...
The present report shows the course tracks and stations occupied by RIV G.O. Sars, RIV Johan Hjort,...
The present report shows the course tracks and stations occupied by the research vessels "G.O.Sars",...
The present report shows the course tracks and stations occupied by the research vessels "G.O. Sars"...
The present report shows the course tracks and stations occupied by the research vessel "G.O. Sars"...
Rapporten gir en oversikt over Havforskningsinstituttets forskningsfartøy "G.O. Sars", "Johan Hjort"...
The present report shows the course tracks and stations occupied by the research vessels "G.O.Sars",...
The present report shows the course tracks and stations occupied by the research vessels "6.0. Sars"...
The report presents cruises carried out by the research vessels "G. O. Sars", "Johan Hjort", "Håkon ...
The report presents cruises carried out by the research vessels "G. O. Sars", "Johan Hjort", "Håkon ...
The report presents cruises carried out by the research vessels "G. O. Sars", "Johan Hjort", "Håkon ...
The report presents cruises carried out by the research vessels "G. O. Sars", "Johan Hjort", "Håkon ...
The report presents cruises carried out by the research vessels "G.O. Sars", "Johan Hjort", "Håkon M...
Rapporten gir en oversikt over toktene til Havforskningsinstituttets forskningsfartøy "G.O. Sars", ...
Rapporten gir en oversikt over toktene til Havforskningsinstituttets forskningsfartøy "G.O.Sars", "J...
The present report shows the course tracks and stations occupied by the research vessels "G.O. Sars"...
The present report shows the course tracks and stations occupied by RIV G.O. Sars, RIV Johan Hjort,...
The present report shows the course tracks and stations occupied by the research vessels "G.O.Sars",...
The present report shows the course tracks and stations occupied by the research vessels "G.O. Sars"...
The present report shows the course tracks and stations occupied by the research vessel "G.O. Sars"...
Rapporten gir en oversikt over Havforskningsinstituttets forskningsfartøy "G.O. Sars", "Johan Hjort"...
The present report shows the course tracks and stations occupied by the research vessels "G.O.Sars",...
The present report shows the course tracks and stations occupied by the research vessels "6.0. Sars"...
The report presents cruises carried out by the research vessels "G. O. Sars", "Johan Hjort", "Håkon ...
The report presents cruises carried out by the research vessels "G. O. Sars", "Johan Hjort", "Håkon ...
The report presents cruises carried out by the research vessels "G. O. Sars", "Johan Hjort", "Håkon ...
The report presents cruises carried out by the research vessels "G. O. Sars", "Johan Hjort", "Håkon ...
The report presents cruises carried out by the research vessels "G.O. Sars", "Johan Hjort", "Håkon M...