Mediadores químicos y el efecto de los analgésicos en el tratamiento de ortodoncia

  • Peña-Montero, Claudia Angelica
  • Rojas-Garcia, Alma Rosa
  • Gutierrez-Rojo, Jaime Fabian
Publication date
November 2012
Revista Tamé


In the orthodontic treatment is important the understanding of the cellular and molecular mechanisms that regulate the dental movement during the application of forces. The changes refer to the tissue changes, such as the large importation consider the changes in the tissues, as well as the modifications of a cellular level and the structural alterations that lead to the release of chemical mediators, in order to be able to understand all the processes involved . The evolving cellular, vascular and inflammatory changes that occur in an orthodontic treatment requires their knowledge, avoiding damage to the tissues involved. The action related to the effects of inflammatory during dental movement inhibits the activity of cyclooxygenase and th...

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