This article investigates the relationship between economic globalization and economic growth across the globe from 1984 to 2016, using the application of fixed effects and random effects modelling. The empirical findings exhibit that economic globalization has had a positive impact on growth at large but different regions of the world have been affected by this integration differently. Trade globalization has benefitted high and middle-income countries but has failed to transfer the benefits to poorer countries. On the other hand, financial globalization has not had an impact as significant as trade globalization. It is suggested that the process of globalization should be managed differently in different countries
Abstract- The theoretical and empirical debates on the relationship between globalization and econom...
Globalization features one of the major global trends which shape economic outcomes in developing an...
The growing integration of economies and societies all over the world has been one of the most discu...
This article investigates the relationship between economic globalization and economic growth across...
This study was carried out to investigate the effect of economic globalization on economic growth in...
This study was carried out to investigate the effect of economic globalization on economic growth in...
It has been controversial among economists about the impacts of globalization on growth, and the deb...
<div><p>This study was carried out to investigate the effect of economic globalization on economic g...
So far as the economic indices are concerned the results of becoming global in some countries show a...
The paper presents an index of globalization covering its three main dimensions: economic integratio...
The paper examined the impact of overall, political, economic and social globalization on economic g...
The main goal of this paper is to show the level of globalization, its changes and the impact of glo...
The paper presents an index of globalization covering its three main dimensions: economic integratio...
The purpose of this article is to investigate the relationship between economic growth, globalizatio...
The short run and long run relationship between channels of globalization and economic growth are ex...
Abstract- The theoretical and empirical debates on the relationship between globalization and econom...
Globalization features one of the major global trends which shape economic outcomes in developing an...
The growing integration of economies and societies all over the world has been one of the most discu...
This article investigates the relationship between economic globalization and economic growth across...
This study was carried out to investigate the effect of economic globalization on economic growth in...
This study was carried out to investigate the effect of economic globalization on economic growth in...
It has been controversial among economists about the impacts of globalization on growth, and the deb...
<div><p>This study was carried out to investigate the effect of economic globalization on economic g...
So far as the economic indices are concerned the results of becoming global in some countries show a...
The paper presents an index of globalization covering its three main dimensions: economic integratio...
The paper examined the impact of overall, political, economic and social globalization on economic g...
The main goal of this paper is to show the level of globalization, its changes and the impact of glo...
The paper presents an index of globalization covering its three main dimensions: economic integratio...
The purpose of this article is to investigate the relationship between economic growth, globalizatio...
The short run and long run relationship between channels of globalization and economic growth are ex...
Abstract- The theoretical and empirical debates on the relationship between globalization and econom...
Globalization features one of the major global trends which shape economic outcomes in developing an...
The growing integration of economies and societies all over the world has been one of the most discu...