On 15 July 1981, a fire burned about 30 ha of Chihua— huan desertscrub community in the Franklin Mountains, El Paso County, Texas. Effects of the fire on shrubs and succulents were investigated by means of transects and study plots in November 1982, 16 months after the fire. A majority of the plant species were found to have recovered almost completely primarily from underground parts, but species such as Snakeweed (Gutierrezia microcephalum and G. sarothrae), Sotol (Dasylirion wheeleri), and Ocotillo (Foquieria splendens) were eliminated to a large extent from the burned areas. Effects of the fire on cacti were quite variable with mortalities ranging from 8.3—70.0%
Study of an April 1964 fire in the blue grama-pinyon-juniper vegetation type of New Mexico showed th...
Native vegetation is the key resource upon which rangelands are built, and restoring rangeland ecosy...
[Background] Fire responses of species in arid environments have only been scarcely studied. We stud...
The effects of fire on vegetation in the desert mountain shrub community were studied on 3 to 7-year...
Disturbance from fire can affect the abundance and distribution of shrubs and grasses in arid ecosys...
Sprouting ability and survival of six shrub species were observed following a June, 1963 wildfire. S...
Annual and perennial plant vegetation was sampled following a controlled burn (1981) and a wildfire ...
Disturbance from fire can affect the abundance and distribution of shrubs and grasses in arid ecosys...
Plant demographic responses to an experimental summer fire were monitored for 12 yr on the Sevilleta...
Few brownspine pricklypear were immediately killed by the direct effects of fire. Most plants respro...
Disturbance from fire can affect the abundance and distribution of shrubs and grasses in arid ecosys...
Kuenzler’s cactus (Echinocereus fendleri var. kuenzleri [Castetter, Pierce and Schwerin] L. Benson])...
We studied the effect of a prescribed burn in a black-grama-(Bouteloua eriopoda)-dominated desert gr...
The long-term effect of fire was studied on the major grass species of west Texas when the winter-sp...
Responses of woody plant communities on native rangelands in the western South Texas Plains to fire ...
Study of an April 1964 fire in the blue grama-pinyon-juniper vegetation type of New Mexico showed th...
Native vegetation is the key resource upon which rangelands are built, and restoring rangeland ecosy...
[Background] Fire responses of species in arid environments have only been scarcely studied. We stud...
The effects of fire on vegetation in the desert mountain shrub community were studied on 3 to 7-year...
Disturbance from fire can affect the abundance and distribution of shrubs and grasses in arid ecosys...
Sprouting ability and survival of six shrub species were observed following a June, 1963 wildfire. S...
Annual and perennial plant vegetation was sampled following a controlled burn (1981) and a wildfire ...
Disturbance from fire can affect the abundance and distribution of shrubs and grasses in arid ecosys...
Plant demographic responses to an experimental summer fire were monitored for 12 yr on the Sevilleta...
Few brownspine pricklypear were immediately killed by the direct effects of fire. Most plants respro...
Disturbance from fire can affect the abundance and distribution of shrubs and grasses in arid ecosys...
Kuenzler’s cactus (Echinocereus fendleri var. kuenzleri [Castetter, Pierce and Schwerin] L. Benson])...
We studied the effect of a prescribed burn in a black-grama-(Bouteloua eriopoda)-dominated desert gr...
The long-term effect of fire was studied on the major grass species of west Texas when the winter-sp...
Responses of woody plant communities on native rangelands in the western South Texas Plains to fire ...
Study of an April 1964 fire in the blue grama-pinyon-juniper vegetation type of New Mexico showed th...
Native vegetation is the key resource upon which rangelands are built, and restoring rangeland ecosy...
[Background] Fire responses of species in arid environments have only been scarcely studied. We stud...