Corrosiom of ceiusg pockets associated with pressure of confine air. A new mechanism for tube formation in the neighbourhood of the water table is proposed. It is applied to the genesis of ceiling pockets. The rising of water confines the air of ceiling pockets. The CO2 pressure increases. The air compression is almost isothermic and induces a mist. The drops of the mist capture the CO2 by a diffusion process. The mass transfer of CO2 from air to drops , then to water, induces a vigorous corrosion of the limestone. For exemple, 1 m 1 of air (at PCO2 = 3.10-3) with a compression of 1 bar (10 m) produces a maximum calci-te dissolution of i g. A rough computing model for the ceiling pockets' growth is presented also.Nous proposons un nouveau ...