Purpose: The purpose of this study was to establish a quality standard for mammographic equipment in Korea and to eventually improve mammographic quality in clinics and hospitals throughout Korea by educating technicians and clinic personnel. Materials and Methods: For the phantom test and on site assessment, we visited 37 sites and examined 43 sets of mammographic equipment. Items that were examined include phantom test, radiation dose measurement, developer assessment, etc. The phantom images were assessed visually and by optical density measurements. For the clinical image assessment, clinical images from 371 sites were examined following the new Korean standard for clinical image evaluation. The items examined include labeling, p...
Advancements in digital detector technology over the past decade have facilitated the transition of ...
Digital mammography has been progressively introduced in screening centers and the concern is to ach...
Este proyecto propone desarrollar una medida automática y objetiva para predecir el desempeño de la ...
Purpose: To evaluate the actual state of quality control in Korea through an analysis of mammographi...
Purpose: The goal of this study was to survey the overall quality of mammographic images in Korea. M...
OBJECTIVE: The goal of this study is to compare the overall quality of film mammograms taken accordi...
Purpose: To develop a candidate instrument to assess image quality in digital mammography, by identi...
Purpose: The Mammography Quality Standards Act (MQSA) was enacted in 1992 to set national standards ...
AbstractBackgroundMammography is a radiological diagnostic method which relies on an X-ray examinati...
The purpose of this work is (i) to work out a test procedure for quality assurance (QA) in digital m...
BACKGROUND: Different methods of image quality evaluation are routinely used for analogue and digita...
Mammography equipment must be evaluated to ensure that images will be of acceptable diagnostic quali...
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the thickness of the compressed breast in mediolateral obl...
Purpose: The objective is to study mammography practice from an optimisation point of view by assess...
Os critérios de qualidade de imagem mamógrafica publicados pela European Commission foram implementa...
Advancements in digital detector technology over the past decade have facilitated the transition of ...
Digital mammography has been progressively introduced in screening centers and the concern is to ach...
Este proyecto propone desarrollar una medida automática y objetiva para predecir el desempeño de la ...
Purpose: To evaluate the actual state of quality control in Korea through an analysis of mammographi...
Purpose: The goal of this study was to survey the overall quality of mammographic images in Korea. M...
OBJECTIVE: The goal of this study is to compare the overall quality of film mammograms taken accordi...
Purpose: To develop a candidate instrument to assess image quality in digital mammography, by identi...
Purpose: The Mammography Quality Standards Act (MQSA) was enacted in 1992 to set national standards ...
AbstractBackgroundMammography is a radiological diagnostic method which relies on an X-ray examinati...
The purpose of this work is (i) to work out a test procedure for quality assurance (QA) in digital m...
BACKGROUND: Different methods of image quality evaluation are routinely used for analogue and digita...
Mammography equipment must be evaluated to ensure that images will be of acceptable diagnostic quali...
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the thickness of the compressed breast in mediolateral obl...
Purpose: The objective is to study mammography practice from an optimisation point of view by assess...
Os critérios de qualidade de imagem mamógrafica publicados pela European Commission foram implementa...
Advancements in digital detector technology over the past decade have facilitated the transition of ...
Digital mammography has been progressively introduced in screening centers and the concern is to ach...
Este proyecto propone desarrollar una medida automática y objetiva para predecir el desempeño de la ...