碩士[[abstract]]充電議題是無線感測網(WSNs)領域中的重要議題,它的主要目標是保證WSNs中每顆感測器的永續生存,以達到連續不斷地對目標區域進行感知與監控的目的。採用移動充電車對場景中的sensor進行無線充電是一種比較常見的充電方法。然而,充電車的行走路線和充電排程一直是亟需解決的問題。本文從無線充電原理入手,同時考慮網路拓撲結構,提出了一種充電路徑與排程的構建機制,與傳統的充電機制相比,有著更好的環境適應性與更優的路徑。除此以外,還具有可以同時充電與移動充電等優點。[[abstract]]Energy replenishment for wireless sensor networks (WSNs) has received much attention in recent years. The main purpose of energy replenishment is to guarantee the unlimited lifetime of every sensor in WSNs, enabling a sustainable environment monitoring or event detecting. Adopting wireless mobile charger as the source of energy replenishment is one of the most popular schemes. However, path planning and charging scheduling are two key factors that impact the charging performance. This pape...