[[abstract]]本研究以基本彈力公式配合疊加概念建立邊坡穩定分析之概略分析方法。研究模式係將邊坡外側虛擬土方之等值向上荷重置於水平地表,利用應力疊加模擬該地表開挖後之應力變化。由本研究與Goodman and Brown (1963) 之近似解及FLAC 程式之數值解比較顯示,研究所得應力分佈趨勢與其它方法大致相似。在破壞潛能方面,本研究可評估邊坡內不同區域的安定性,就臨界滑動面之平均安全係數而言,本研究所得結果將相似於 STABL 程式分析所得。[[abstract]]A simple analytical solution for stress and failure potential of the earth slope is proposed in this study. The stress influences, resulted by excavating the ficitcious zone of a level ground for the slope, are integrated from the Boussinesq and the Kelvin equations and superimposed to the in itial stress of the ground. Slope stability is verified with the MohrColomb failure criteria at material points of the slope. It's found that the stress variations obtained from this study are similar to other anal...
A study was made to investigate the potential errors in stability assessments when using conventiona...
the limit equilibrium procedures based on the assumption of rigid, perfectly plastic material behavi...
A new approach is proposed which uses concepts of both the limit equilibrium method (LEM) and finite...
采用基于有限元和离散元有机结合的计算软件 CDEM,将应变强度分布准则应用于数值分析中,对均质边坡的稳定性进行了分析。针对自然界中应变硬化型土体,引入一种土体强度随应力水平的增加而提高的强化机制,较好...
Conventional methods of slices used for slope stability analysis satisfying all equilibrium conditio...
本研究主要的目的便是想進一步探討,瞭解各參數之敏感性及自然界之變動 性,並嘗試提出反算分析模式,合理地推求工程性質參數,以做為日後研究之參 考。 選擇之研究區位於台大實驗林區內,鳳凰山東西兩側。其中鳳...
As early as 1930, slope stability had been analyzed by limit equilibrium methods (LEM). Several meth...
In the assessment of slopes, factor of safety values still remain the primary indexes for determinin...
The conventional methods of slices are commonly used for the analysis of slope stability. When ancho...
This thesis deals with slope stability evolutions carried out by commonly used limit equilibrium (LE...
Total stress analyses of purely cohesive cut slopes utilize the undrained shear strength for slope s...
This investigation was conducted to determine the applicability of the limit equilibrium methods of ...
A study was made to investigate the potential errors in stability assessments when using conventiona...
the limit equilibrium procedures based on the assumption of rigid, perfectly plastic material behavi...
A new approach is proposed which uses concepts of both the limit equilibrium method (LEM) and finite...
采用基于有限元和离散元有机结合的计算软件 CDEM,将应变强度分布准则应用于数值分析中,对均质边坡的稳定性进行了分析。针对自然界中应变硬化型土体,引入一种土体强度随应力水平的增加而提高的强化机制,较好...
Conventional methods of slices used for slope stability analysis satisfying all equilibrium conditio...
本研究主要的目的便是想進一步探討,瞭解各參數之敏感性及自然界之變動 性,並嘗試提出反算分析模式,合理地推求工程性質參數,以做為日後研究之參 考。 選擇之研究區位於台大實驗林區內,鳳凰山東西兩側。其中鳳...
As early as 1930, slope stability had been analyzed by limit equilibrium methods (LEM). Several meth...
In the assessment of slopes, factor of safety values still remain the primary indexes for determinin...
The conventional methods of slices are commonly used for the analysis of slope stability. When ancho...
This thesis deals with slope stability evolutions carried out by commonly used limit equilibrium (LE...
Total stress analyses of purely cohesive cut slopes utilize the undrained shear strength for slope s...
This investigation was conducted to determine the applicability of the limit equilibrium methods of ...
A study was made to investigate the potential errors in stability assessments when using conventiona...
the limit equilibrium procedures based on the assumption of rigid, perfectly plastic material behavi...
A new approach is proposed which uses concepts of both the limit equilibrium method (LEM) and finite...