Energijske pijače so na voljo v več kot 140 državah po svetu in polovico potrošnikov teh pijač predstavljajo otroci in mladostniki. Magistrska naloga preučuje pogostost uživanja energijskih pijač z visoko vsebnostjo kofeina med osnovnošolci, razloge za njihovo uživanje ter osveščenost osnovnošolcev o neželenih učinkih teh pijač na zdravje. Raziskava obsega anonimno anketiranje osnovnošolcev v starosti 11-14 let v letu 2018, v skupnem številu 141 učencev na dveh osnovnih šolah (mestni in podeželski) v Sloveniji. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da je 63 % anketirancev poskusilo energijsko pijačo, vsak peti osnovnošolec (20 % od vseh anketirancev) uživa eno pločevinko 250 ml energijske pijače dnevno, 4 % anketirancev poroča, da so zaužili ene...
Energy drinks are often used by sedanter individuals as well as by individuals engaged in sports. Th...
This diploma thesis deals with the effects of energy drinks on the human organism and the importance...
Consumption of energy drinks has become popular and frequent among adolescents across Europe. Previo...
Uživanje energijskih pijač, je v današnjem času vse večji problem. Tudi mladi se vse pogosteje zatek...
This diploma thesis examines the awareness of students in terms of the risks of energy consumption a...
Energetski napitci se opisuju kao bezalkoholni napitci koji povećavaju mentalne i kognitivne sposobn...
Tržište energetskih napitaka strahovito se razvilo od pojavljivanja Red Bull-a u Austriji 1987. i u...
Energetska pića postala su vrlo popularna među adolescentima. Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je utvrdit...
Title: Consumption of stimulative and energetic drinks among secondary school pupils Author: Tereza ...
Background: A tenth of Czech schoolchildren under 15 are prone to risky consumption of energy drinks...
The aim of this article is to present the phenomenon of the increase in the consumption of energy dr...
The aim of this article is to present the phenomenon of the increase in the consumption of energy dr...
Introduction and purpose of work: In recent years, drinking energy drinks has gained popularity amon...
Introduction. The popularity of energy drinks in Poland has been growing since they entered the Euro...
Consumption of energy drinks by pupils at a selected lower secondary school ABSTRACT The presented b...
Energy drinks are often used by sedanter individuals as well as by individuals engaged in sports. Th...
This diploma thesis deals with the effects of energy drinks on the human organism and the importance...
Consumption of energy drinks has become popular and frequent among adolescents across Europe. Previo...
Uživanje energijskih pijač, je v današnjem času vse večji problem. Tudi mladi se vse pogosteje zatek...
This diploma thesis examines the awareness of students in terms of the risks of energy consumption a...
Energetski napitci se opisuju kao bezalkoholni napitci koji povećavaju mentalne i kognitivne sposobn...
Tržište energetskih napitaka strahovito se razvilo od pojavljivanja Red Bull-a u Austriji 1987. i u...
Energetska pića postala su vrlo popularna među adolescentima. Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je utvrdit...
Title: Consumption of stimulative and energetic drinks among secondary school pupils Author: Tereza ...
Background: A tenth of Czech schoolchildren under 15 are prone to risky consumption of energy drinks...
The aim of this article is to present the phenomenon of the increase in the consumption of energy dr...
The aim of this article is to present the phenomenon of the increase in the consumption of energy dr...
Introduction and purpose of work: In recent years, drinking energy drinks has gained popularity amon...
Introduction. The popularity of energy drinks in Poland has been growing since they entered the Euro...
Consumption of energy drinks by pupils at a selected lower secondary school ABSTRACT The presented b...
Energy drinks are often used by sedanter individuals as well as by individuals engaged in sports. Th...
This diploma thesis deals with the effects of energy drinks on the human organism and the importance...
Consumption of energy drinks has become popular and frequent among adolescents across Europe. Previo...